Photo of ashes scattering off Point Loma

 Video Taped

 All ceremonies may be recorded for all time by video taping. The taping is done in a professionally with an introduction, step by step narration of the scattering and laying of flowers.

The tape is accompanied by melodious music that brings the complete experience of the scattering to the viewer Additional charge ($150)

            Cut Flowers and Flower Wreaths

These adornments may be added at your discretion, Prices vary, depending upon the arrangement desired.

Flowers add a whole new beautiful dimension to the ceremony by extending the length of time of the ceremony. Rose petals and other cut flowers are best scattered with the ashes, this provides are beautiful backdrop for ash scattering.

A really nice addition to the ceremony is a floating urn. The urn will float about 3-5 minutes before settling slowly beneath the waves.

Urns are available for prices between $100.00 and $250.00 depending upon which model is selected. Please use the link below for the "passages" earth urn web site.

Revisit Dispersal Site: You may revisit the exact site of original ash dispersal by providing the Captain the coordinates of the disposition site. All inclusive price is ($350).

Reservations: Call (619) 285-5555 or                     (619) 818.2713 to discuss available dates.

Being laid to rest at sea has a rich and time-honored tradition

Ashes scattering

 (619) 818-2713

(619) 285-5555

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The loss of a loved one is an end and a beginning. Let us help start the healing.  We guarantee satisfaction.